The Importance of Technological Revolutionaries

Ben Tam
3 min readNov 13, 2017

The revolutionary teams that shape our world are fueled by a combination of anger, love, and technology.

They are morally developed individuals outraged by injustice and unnecessary suffering.

Driven by their love for humanity’s commonwealth.

I want to talk about the philosophical individuals that use technology not just to make others’ lives better, but to completely redefine the way the human exist entirely.

Technological revolutionaries differ from conventional innovators in that the impact of their life-work is compounded and felt for the rest of human history.

To see what I mean consider the fact that primitive men and women sat like monkeys in the dark for millions of years until some of them mastered the technology of creating fire. These ancient tech radicals did not discover fire, but they knew the potential it had so they worked on it. Excited by this orange beast, they hung out every night to find better ways to burn things. They committed themselves to the mastery of fire and they succeeded.

Not all types of technological innovation is revolutionary. A monkey may learn to wipe his ass with a nicer leaf and other monkeys may adopt this method, but this innovation will never transform the nature of the monkey itself. So how can the revolutionary nature of a technology be judge? Fair question.

We should focus on the revolutionary technology’s ability to make current industries obsolete as well as its potential to create new technologies that were previously unimaginable. For example, fire transformed humanity and allowed us to cook meat. It made eating raw stuff obsolete due to the marginal increase in efficiency in the new technology of cooking. In the very same way forging allowed us to create new materials that even defined human eras such as the stone age, bronze age, iron age. The printing press and the internet in another example allowed human knowledge to spread and accelerated the growth of every other field of human activity. Even though they were primitive compared to our modernity, the work of these men and women still improve our lives today.

It pains my heart today when I see such a high proportion of brilliant millennial entrepreneurs and young CEOs, the best and smartest of their peers, focus their company mission and life efforts on maximizing profits, building a comfortable luxurious wunderlust lifestyle, and/or industrial domination. Are you living a destiny that is fitting of your divine human nature and talents? I’d like to ask.

To me a tech revolutionary’s work is always in alignment with their mission and philosophy. They create disruptive technologies as their means to redefine the world forever. If you want to play ball at this level, you have to pay your dues. You need to study and practice and study and study and study. Put in the effort to overcome the learning curve to understand the science and you will be able to talk to people who are doing cool things and then start to build something revolutionary. It is possible and worth the effort for those who see the value.

You cannot buy knowledge with money nor obtain it with power. It is the great equalizer in that anyone who wishes to acquire it must earn it through the hour, days, months, years, decades, even lifetimes of study.



Ben Tam

Human Analytics — Philosophy — Artifical Intelligence